
Prevention can become the key to change in society and to the gradual elimination of gender-based violence from our lives.

Preventing violence means fighting its cultural roots and causes. For this reason, the Network of Anti-Violence programmes activities aimed at educating and raising awareness, as well as at the training of all those who, in various ways, deal with gender-based violence.

The objectives that can be achieved are many: raising awareness of the phenomenon of gender violence and its characteristics for a greater understanding, combating discrimination and stereotypes, linked to gender roles and sexism, which generate a context conducive to the perpetuation of male violence against women.

At the national level, the Equal Opportunities Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers through the National Strategic Framework has given guidelines for:

  • increasing the level of public awareness of the structural roots, causes and consequences of male violence against women;
  • strengthening the education system by improving the operational capacity of teachers and school staff with regard to how to intercept, prevent, detect and deal with situations of violence, including witnessed violence;
  • promoting gender equality education in the school’s curriculum, in order to transcend gender roles and stereotypes, including through the revision of didactics and textbooks and the training of teaching staff at all levels;
  • training public and private social sector workers and practitioners on phenomenology, interception, emergence, taking charge, evaluation and management of cases of violence against women including those involving migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women;
  • strengthening preventive efforts against recidivism through re-education of male perpetrators of violence and crimes related to male violence against women;
  • raising awareness in the private sector and the media about the influence of communication and advertising on issues such as gender stereotypes and sexism and their effects on the phenomenology of male violence against women.

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