Materials for Foreign Women

Gender-based violence is a widespread but often overwhelming phenomenon, not least because sometimes the women who suffer it do not know who to turn to for help. For women who live in a country other than their country of origin and who do not know the language, this aspect is even more relevant. The Anti-Violence Network has worked through the Foreign Women Group to create some information tools dedicated to foreign women in Milan, so that they know where to turn if they are experiencing violence and need help.

Available materials:

  • the video “You can be free” with the contribution of foreign mediators and some of the women assisted by the centres;
  • the poster with the contact details of the Anti-Violence Network in seven languages: English, French, Spanish, Romanian, Arabic, Sinhalese and Chinese. Download it here.
  • the comic booklet in seven languages with illustrations by Monica Biondi. Download it here.


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